Teen Reviewer


Want to tell others about a book you’ve read? Want to see your review in print and earn community service hours at the same time? 

We are looking for teens, grades 7-12, to write book, movie, or game reviews for our new VFL Teen blog and/or our seasonal newsletter. You will receive community service hours for your time spent writing/creating the review.

  • Write or create a thoughtful review for a book you read, movie you watched, or game you enjoyed. 
  • The review can be in the form of a written review or a video. Have another format in mind? We’re open to new ideas!
  • Send the review by email to Dori at deisenstat@pls-net.org. Please include your name, age or grade, contact info (email and phone), and the time spent creating the review.
  • Unless you tell us otherwise, we will print your name with the review. If you don’t want your name listed, please let us know.

Any questions? Please contact:

Dori Eisenstat, Teen Coordinator, Victor Farmington Library deisenstat@pls-net.org , (585) 924-2637