June 27, 2024 Library Budget Vote

Learn more about the Victor Farmington Library budget vote here. Scroll to the bottom for links to important documents.

This vote is for the January – December 2025 budget.


The Library’s Annual Reports show a profit of $200,000, but yet it’s asking for a tax increase.  Why?

The library has reserve funds accounts that are shown on our Annual Reports as “profit”. Reserve funds are appropriate, necessary, and responsible, and are used for capital expenses and unexpected needs, not daily operational needs.  The library building is 30 years old and needs to be maintained, therefore reserve funds are necessary for the sustainability of the building. Refer to our April 2024 Balance Sheet for more info. Click here for our Reserve Fund Policy. The balance sheet reflects $154,672 in reserve funds, of which over $100,000 was fund raised and did not come from tax payer dollars.

Social media posts state the Library has overtaxed residents the last two years for a total of $400,000. Is that true?

No. See the response above. The library maintains responsible reserve funds that gets rolled over year after year. See the April 2024 financial statement. It does not get added up year after year. If there was an excess of $400,000, it would be reflected in those financial statements.

Does the library conduct a yearly financial audit?

Yes. The Bonadio Group, a local and reputable New York State accounting firm, conducts yearly audits. Those yearly financial statements can be found here.

When and where is the vote being held?

Voting will take place in person on June 27 at the Victor Village Hall, 60 East Main St., between 12:00PM and 8:00PM.

How will it affect my taxes?

If approved, the library property tax rate will increase from approximately 25 cents to approximately 27 cents per thousand dollars of assessed property valuation.  A property assessed at $300,000 will see an approximate total increase of $7.00 a YEAR. The proposed increase would impact your October 2024 school tax bill.

What is the vote for?

To authorize the School District to levy and collect an annual tax for the Library in the amount of $913,400 starting with the 2024-2025 tax bill.  This is an increase of $73,767 from the current budget.

What will the Library use the increase for?

The library has been able to absorb inflationary costs and state mandated minimum wage increases since the last budget increase in 2021, but can no longer continue to operate in the same capacity.  The increase will allow the library to address these concerns, focus on improving staffing needs, and continue to offer exceptional and efficient library services. 

What happens if the vote doesn’t pass?

Employee hours will be cut along with general library hours, along with the materials and book budget.  Programs and events may be cut, as well.

Do people use the library?

Yes, the library is a relevant and important community destination.  The Victor Farmington Library is the highest circulating library in the OWWL Library System, while having proportionally one of the smaller staff sizes. 

Where can I register to vote for the library budget vote?

Voter registration will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM in the Victor Central School District Office. This registration is for residents currently not registered to vote in the general election. If you are currently a registered voter there is no need to register specifically for the Library Vote.

Where can I get an absentee application/ballot?

Absentee ballot applications can be obtained by calling the Victor Central School District Clerk’s office at 585-924-3252, x1402. Once the application is completed and returned to the District Clerk, you will receive an absentee ballot.  If mailing a completed ballot back to the District Clerk, it must be received at the District Clerk’s office no later than 5:00 PM the day of the vote. 

How do I learn more?

A community info session will take place at the Victor Farmington Library on Thursday, June 20, at 7:00PM.  All are welcome to attend.

Still have questions?  

Contact Library Director Tim Niver at 585-924-2637, x103 or by email at tniver@owwl.org

Links to additional information:

Ballot language

PROPOSED 2025 Budget

2023 and 2024 Victor Farmington Library Budget

2024 Victor Farmington Library Monthly Financial Statements

2023 Victor Farmington Library Monthly Financial Statements

Reserve Fund Policy

All policies